Film is cheap, and I use of lot of the digital versions of it. My theory is is you take enough varying images of the same thing, one of them statistically will be usable. Not high art mind you, just in focus, and tells the story. I'm rarely without the camera, and I burn through about one a year graduating in technology each time. I also seem to see things many never notice, which at times can take a decidedly odd turn. Huh? Click. I was going through my pic files, and stumbled across these. A mix of the interesting, and others that are just the product of my imagination.
I caught this Electro-Mantis trying to crawl off a boat. They are nasty little bugs, that can bite hard when provoked. A solid whack with Calder's hefty tome "The Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Manual" thoroughly flattened it. It did leave a small burnt spot on the cover however.
The name of the boat is "Comfortably Numb." I think the picture tells the whole story.
Athena, one of the largest privately owned sailing yachts steaming into San Diego. She had been in San Francisco for the America's Cup races, and the super yacht sailing regatta for zillionaires. She's nearly 300 feet in length and is for sale. Just $95M, that's a bargain at just $316,000 a foot. Pretty though.
With the sequester cut backs the water cops are unhappy about not being able to afford fuel for their boats. They're going to be even more unhappy when they get their new bikes equipped with kayak trailers.
Seriously, do you really need a sign to tell people if you have active or explosive diarrhea you shouldn't be using the pool? Who would even admit they are suffering from that malady, in public at any rate. Isn't that what the pool skimmer and chlorine are supposed to take care of? Where are the warnings for Ebola infections, or don't make toast or use a hairdryer while in the pool?
Here's another sign that caught my eye. It was no doubt created by someone with an optimistic view of the actual operating hours since it's bolted to the gate. The padlock seems to emphasize the disparity. It's a Saturday. I think it was closed because of an E. coli outbreak.
Look out at the water. It's a plane, it's a boat, no it's a Planesail. This is the unholy genetic fusing of a Cessna, and a trimaran with the empennage being bobbed at birth. Only a few of these craft exist in the wild.

Solar powered anchor lights. Is this a good idea? What happens if it gets dark, and stays that way all night? Switches need not apply.
This is one of the two trimarans built by Jeanneau for the movie Waterworld. The one that was tricked out with the telescoping mast and handlebar helm resides in a lagoon at Universal Studios. This one was used for the long distance shots and sailed well. The other one, not so much. The name of the boat is no longer "Costner's Folly." It's now named Loe Real and lives in San Diego. I don't think the current owner has gills.
This frankenphoto caused quite a stir at Maretron--both halves are real but the tape is all mine. Apparently it made the rounds. The official comment was, "Looks like a uncertified NMEA 2000 power isolator. Definitely cheaper than an NBE100."